Life is Like an Easter Egg Hunt!

Life is an interesting and exciting playground. The possibilities are endless. Invitations and opportunities are often hidden from view but our spirit is always summoning us forward by giving hints that are meant to be followed to what the heart is ready for. Just like an Easter egg hunt we know there is something for us to discover. Our challenge is to follow the inklings and prompts courageously leaving no stone unturned until we are “hot, hot, hot” and in the state of reward and celebration.

Your mission in life is to take responsibility, get in the game, listen for the hints, look for the clues, and follow the threads! It’s the Easter egg hunt mentality!

Take responsibility: Grab your carton. There are dozens of eggs to find! You have to know what you want, what you are going for, and be courageous enough to call it out. Aiming at a target is much more effective than aiming at a blank wall. There is something more in life that you want to do, be, have and experience. It’s life’s promise. Choose the whisper calling you forward. It’s the resonance of what feels like your next best step. Define. Decide. Commit.

Follow hints, clues, threads: Listen to the guide! Your spirit is always in communication with you using your feelings to keep you on track or re-route you. When a direction or goal feels good, even though there may be obstacles to overcome, your job is to continue to move towards it. You will know when you are on track because your emotions rise, excitement builds, energy is bolstered. This is the “warm, warmer, hot, hot, hot!” Make your plan – work your plan. Keep moving forward no matter what. Be advised that in this forward motion your ego may come out with a variety of excuses to convince you to give up or scare you right out of your future. Negativity and feeling overwhelmed is common. This is your “cold, colder, freezing.” Turn around. Re-connect to the guide. Trust yourself and Divine direction. Stay the course.

Rewards and Celebrations: Look in your carton now; you’ll find a dozen eggs! If you exercise tenacity, stay focused, go the distance and clear the hurdles, you will be rewarded with your objective. Nothing pays off like persistence. Your resolve requires new habits and patterns, replacing old negative inner-dialogue, and trumping familiar fears. Simultaneously you will be building new personal practices, growing your confidence, and a more intentional future. That is a reward in itself. Choose your celebration because that very energy will build on itself and pay you forward. Happy dance. High five. Hip bump.

While sometimes life is very serious business, listening to your spirit and exercising an approach using the childlike qualities of imagination, curiosity, excitement and wonder is a very powerful approach. It is where positive energy exists and where the magic happens. On this playground, anything is possible if you are willing to widen your lens, trust your soul’s whispers, get into relationship with your desires, and boldly hunt for your way forward with a no excuses approach.

Come along with me! Let your inner child out. Let your spirit guide you. It’s time to play with life.