M-O-N-E-Y. Does This word Scare You?

We’re right on top of fun ‘n fright and those things that go bump in the night and in the spirit of Halloween it’s interesting to see how we give ourselves permission to reach for things that give us a fright.

But how about the rest of the year when we prefer a little more peace and ease – are there still some things that alarm us more than others? You bet!

If there is one thing that I’ve seen universally scare people the most, day in and day out, it’s the topic of MONEY.

The number one thing that stops people from creating the life they dream of, aside from lack of clarity and commitment is MONEY – their money mindset to be exact!

With our money mindset acquired in childhood, we either still adhere to it or decide to challenge and trump what we grew up absorbing. With 80% of millionaires self-made, there’s hope for everyone to improve their financial state and grow their bottom line.

Money appears in your life based on your mindset (your thoughts, feelings, choices and behaviors) not by accident or coincidence. If you think that there’s a limited supply of money, that some people have money making skills and others don’t, if your adrenaline races when you check your bank balance, then your mindset is sabotaging your abundance efforts and it’s time to re-examine your attitude about money and create new supportive money beliefs.

LET GO OF FAMILY MONEY BELIEFS THAT NO LONGER SUPPORT YOU. Your parents, culture, and even the media initially formed your beliefs about money. Unless you’ve made a concerted effort to modify them, you continue to support and strengthen these beliefs through your actions and experiences. We were each born into a socio-economic structure that we tend to maintain rather than exceed. Put that awareness to work by deliberately crafting a new financial legacy worthy of all the energy you are already putting into this area of your life – only use your energy, attention and focus positively and purposefully.

IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS. Follow the trail of your emotions. If you are reminding yourself that you are “not good with money”, that “there’s never enough” or “money’s hard to come by” those are the limiting beliefs we’re taking about. These types of thoughts create patterns that limit the amount of money you can sustain in your life. Simply put, you just cannot have more money than your beliefs support. Take time to list your beliefs; they are the phrases that come to mind when you think about money. Examine each belief for its current value in your life today; if it adds significance keep it, if it disrupts your life, change it.

GET IN PARTNERSHIP WITH MONEY. Make friends with money by identifying just how it actually supports you in your life. What do you love about it? How does it serve you? How do you use it to serve others? When you’re ‘feeling flush’, what thought process supported that outcome? Repeat any worthy action or emotional pattern! Grow your relationship with money by learning how to appreciate and respect it. If it’s necessary to tame your debt, become fearless by owning the situation and implementing a system that supports your commitment to a happy and healthy money partnership. Money is energy, it’s fluid and constantly flowing to those who welcome rather than fear it.

UNDERSTAND YOUR MONEY SETPOINT AND S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Everyone has a money set point that is defined as the amount of money that you feel totally comfortable having … based on your past. That set point remains static, despite your longings, until you are ready to use your past to fuel your future. Start the set point s-t-r-e-t-c-h by eliminating all old excuses of why you don’t have what you want. If it describes ‘why you are the way you are’, it’s an excuse and keeps you separate from what you want. Instead, identify a current action that normally triggers a money fear and find a new way of thinking about it. (A simple example: Do you get nervous when checking your bank balance thinking there’s probably not enough? Remind yourself in the moment that it’s only an old automatically activated feeling and today’s the day you will responsibly reach for a new thought that feels better; then work it over and over again) Changing our thoughts and actions release our anchor to the past, expands our money mindset, and positively affects its flow.

If you are ready to open your life to abundance, then stop scaring yourself! Look squarely at your money-triggers as the instruments of change that they really are, choose a fresh approach that is singularly yours and based on a legacy you are ready to create.

Transforming your money mindset is noble work and a powerful way to heal, grow, and take very good care of yourself … and you can take that to the bank!