The New Year celebrations are a fading memory. We survived Blue Monday. Now, what lies ahead for 2018 is a series of opening and closing doors, filled with possibilities and inevitabilities…
The saying, “it’s as plain as the nose on your face,” is a relevant adage with respect to this little philosophical book that will open your eyes to the fact…
We’ve arrived at that time of year when we steep ourselves in old traditions that matter and create new ones that add to our joy. It’s a wonderful blend of…
Yes … and No. As a Coach you probably expect me to say that living in a state of gratitude is the single most important emotion you need to consistently…
What lurks in the shadows? Monsters. Creepy-crawlies. Spooky-scaries. As kids, those were the things that lived in dark corners paralyzing us until someone could shine a light on them so…