Remember that adventure I talked about in September; the one where I was packing my curiosity right along with my clothes, cosmetics and high school French? Well, it paid off…
This summer is passing quickly. As I am readying myself for another great adventure in just a few days I’m finding it’s time to look into the self-awareness mirror and…
If you’ve forgotten about the dreams and desires you had at the beginning of the year, it’s not too late to wake up and hit your reset button. Trading in…
It’s time! Time to begin our fond farewell to another year behind us and acknowledge all that we have deliberately created and magically manifested this year. Time to celebrate the…
I have to admit it, I was eavesdropping. Well not actually eavesdropping, I just overheard a conversation around me; popular local coffeehouse, waiting my turn in line, two friends steeped…