WAKE UP! It’s your birthright!

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Did you know that early in the 20th century the number of patients in mental hospitals increased with little availability of effective medical treatment and the answer to this dilema was that barbaric procedure known as a lobotomy? It’s true, and regardless of the perceived necessity at the time, it wasn’t exactly man’s shining moment, as I’m sure you’ll agree.

What’s interesting about this procedure though, are the results it produced.

Patients became lazy, lethargic and uninspired. They lost initiative, had a strong desire for sameness and routine; eating the same food, listening to the same radio station, wearing the same clothes. And if their routine was disrupted, they became emotional and fell apart.

Also, they couldn’t learn anything new, failed to gain meaning from situations, couldn’t focus on single-minded tasks – when they started something they were easily distracted and started something else – and they couldn’t project into the future.

Basically, they were sleepwalking through life, strongly invested in each day looking much like the day before.

If it sounds like someone you know [wink], don’t fear, there’s an antidote. Waking up and committing to something new!

Develop the art of observation by examining those areas of your life where you’ve been sleepwalking, personally or professionally.

Assume responsibility for what is in your life right now, acknowledging that your current thinking, routines and habits have gotten you only this far.

Identify your choice area of growth and begin to gain new knowledge and information from inspiring sources and support structures.

Personalize your new knowledge with meaningful experiences that involve a little out-of-the-box thinking and new positive emotions. Make those experiences repeatable, consistently refining along the way.

There’s never been a better time on the planet to wake up and make a real difference in your own life. The power of change is square in your lap. Resources are around every corner supporting your keen ability to turn a new awareness into a powerful practice, resulting in fresh experiences that really matter to you. Being awake, aware and the creative force in your own life is empowerment at it’s best and your divine birthright!

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1 Comment.

  • Great article, Nancy!

    Your analogy of someone who had a lobotomy to how we can be sleepwalking in our lives is brilliant!

    It does take waking up to really experience the richness of life that is available to us each and every day….if only we are awake enough to see and experience it.

    I just returned from a 6 week adventure in Europe with my husband.
    Being in new places certainly wakes up one’s senses. We had all sorts of neurons being stimulated during our time away!
    It also allowed various triggers of behavior to show up freshly, as we were out of our “known” environment.
    I saw where I had been asleep in my life and how I now want to be awake in those areas!
    It also awakened me to how easy it can be to get back into routines that may be energy draining…and as that is not what I want for my life, I am being slow in how I settle back in non travel mode!
    So, timely article. Thank you for sharing your brilliance, as you always do!
    So much appreciated!

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